Let me say this loudly, Walmart curbside pickup is AWESOME!!! Going to the store - any store - is definitely not one of my favorite activities, so when a dear friend told me that she was using this new service I just had to try it. The experience did not disappoint!
While relaxing in my cozy chair one evening, I scheduled my grocery pickup time for early the next morning and took my time adding items to my cart. Once checked out, you still have time to go back and edit your items. This is perfect for me because I always forget an item or two!
The Walmart app notified me when my order was available for pickup, and when I was ready to go it tracked my progress to the store. Once there, I parked in one of the designated spots and let them know my location via the app. I don’t think I had to wait more than two minutes before the friendly delivery person was at my car with my bags! The produce was perfect, and I was happy with the replacement that was offered for the one item that was out of stock. AWESOME!!!
Pros: I didn’t need to worry about seeing anyone I know, so I didn’t put on makeup, fix my hair, or change out of my work clothes! I didn’t have to wait in line at a checkout! I didn’t have to look down aisle after aisle for hard to find items! I SAVED MONEY BECAUSE I WASN’T TEMPTED BY IMPULSE BUYS, AND I SAVED TIME!!!
I rarely, if ever, get out of Walmart without spending close to $100.00. Not this time! My total bill was $34.85! I got exactly what I needed and nothing more. Now, hubby is hooked on the service as well! I definitely think we'll see a reduction in our monthly grocery bill.
Cons: None.
Hopefully, our local HEB follows suit very soon with curbside pickup!
I hope you give this wonderful new service a try, and remember that kindness has the power to change the world!
