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Happy New Year!!! 2021


Wow - what a year we just finished! To call it unusual would be an understatement.

Personally, I truly can't complain about 2020. Though we most likely would have done many things differently if the pandemic hadn't reared its ugly head, I feel almost guilty admitting that my family and I had a pretty good year. The guilt comes from knowing that so many millions of other people can't say the same.

My heart breaks knowing that hundreds of thousands of fellow Americans have died from Covid-19 and that millions are grieving the loss of their loved ones - on top of the financial hardships and insecurities that have plagued so many in our nation and around the world.

My efforts to help others during this very difficult time were well-meaning, but I know they fell so short in accomplishment. I've shared with those experiencing food insecurities, stayed in contact with dear friends who are somewhat isolated, and tried to make sure at least some of our local healthcare workers know how much they are valued and appreciated for their sacrifices to take care of our community. My hope is to continue being a "helper" even after this crisis is controlled.

For my fellow citizens, I've worn a face mask regularly when going out in public (even though it's been difficult with my claustrophobia), kept my distance, and washed my hands frequently.

And, my mind has been completely blown by how many others refuse to do the same!

When, and why, did people stop valuing the life of fellow human beings???

Nothing else I have to say on this subject is rated G, so I'll move on...

We spent our New Year's Eve just as we have for the past several years... at the beach, eating too much indulgent food, playing dominoes, and trying our best to keep our eyes open until the magical ball-dropping moment. I wouldn't choose to have it any other way.

This morning's sunrise was stunning, though my photography skills are not.

My hope and prayer for 2021 is good health, blessings, happiness, and love for everyone. Some who have experienced great hardship, who have become jaded throughout this ordeal, or who may be completely overwhelmed due to the drastic changes many have experienced in their daily lives may feel it's a very naive wish.

Nonetheless, it is my wish. And, I'll wish it even harder for each of them. Let's do everything in our power to make this new year's cup more full than empty.

Happy New Year to you and yours, and please remember that kindness has the power to change the world!



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